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Purdue Extension in Vigo County

Through Extension, land-grant colleges and universities bring vital, practical information to agricultural producers, small business owners, consumers, families, and young people. Purdue University is the land-grant university for Indiana and there is a Purdue Extension office in all 92 counties that provide services in these four core areas:

1. 4-H Youth Development

2. Agriculture & Natural Resources

3. Community Development

4. Health & Human Sciences

4-H Youth Development

Through 4-H programs in virtually every community in the state, we help young people learn leadership and citizenship, develop life skills, and form attitudes that help them become productive members of society with high self-esteem in both urban and rural areas. We involve parents, caring volunteers, and professional staff who create educational opportunities to youth in the entire community. Examples of Vigo County programming include: the Vigo County 4-H Fair (July 10-17), 4-H Camp, career preparation trips, STEM activities and robotics challenges, healthy living initiatives, and leadership development. 4-H enrollment is open year-round at for any youth in grades K-12. Adults that are interested in working with Vigo County youth can contact us to learn more about the variety of volunteer opportunities available.

Agriculture & Natural Resources

We provide lifelong education, training, and technical assistance to people and businesses with agricultural and natural resource-related interest. Emphasis is on environmentally sound techniques for food and fiber production, competitive farm business management, marketing and processing of agricultural products, and natural resource management. Examples of local programming include: Master Gardeners program, Pesticide Application workshops, produce safety, food systems, livestock management, urban gardening, farm safety, commercial growers, Women in Ag, Farm to school.

Community Development

We help communities address local issues with objective, well researched information. We provide the community with educational programs and information that can be used to increase community vitality, build leadership capacity, enhance public decision-making, and resolve public issues. Examples of local programming include: Leadership Vigo County, economic development, quality of place, Local government education, and community & organizational development, grant writing education, broadband expansion for small businesses, workforce development – life-skills classes.

Health & Human Sciences

Our HHS Extension Educators offer a variety of effective, engaging programs across Indiana based on community needs related to food, family, money and health. Examples of local programming include: Mental Health 1st Aid classes, opioid education, heart health, strengthening families, Extension Homemaker Clubs.

Community Wellness

They work with community partners on broader community change that involves policy, systems and environmental changes. Community Wellness Coordinators help make the healthy choice the easy choice. Examples of local programming includes: Food prescription program, Food Rescue with the Vigo County School Corp., Trails Coalitions, Quality of Place.

Nutrition Education Program

Purdue Extension-Vigo County has Nutrition Education Program Assistants in our schools and throughout our community providing research-based programming based on nutrition and fitness in a fun, hands-on and easy to understand format. The highly interactive lessons help participants plan nutritious meals, be active, handle food safely, spend food dollars wisely, and improve food purchasing and presentation skills.

Take a look at our newly released annual report to read about the impact Purdue Extension is making

Short Video Overview: What is Purdue Extension?

Kristi Whitacre is the Community Development Educator and County Extension Director for Purdue Extension Vigo County. Her email is


Feb 5th Blog Post
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