Share the best of Terre Haute!
The Haute is a community service showcasing & promoting Terre Haute & Vigo County, Indiana. You can be a part!
Vigo County businesses or organizations can be listed in our directory listings for FREE! Click here to include your business/organization.
Include your logo with your business listing ($45 one-time fee)
You can sponsor a page on, and support a great community resource! Your choice of banner ad at the top of a page, or a box ad at the bottom.
A banner ad is just $50/mo (6 mo. min) for a standard page, or $200/mo for a premium page (6 mo. min).
A box ad is just $20/mo (6 mo. min) for a standard page, or $80/mo for a standard page (6 mo. min).
Include your event on The Community Calendar for FREE! Available for live events occurring within Vigo County only.
Promote your event on the home page of! Get attention with a large image and event information with a link to your site. $100/ 7 days, $300 for 30 days. Available for live events occurring within Vigo County.